Is it possible to get a degree online fast ? Many people today are beginning to realize how it can be advantageous to their careers if they have varying degrees of his name. But since we live in a fast paced world , most prefer not to spend years trying to get his college degree. Instead , they want to graduate quickly , and preferably online all they have to do is get on the Internet from their personal computers. For this reason , many schools began offering online degrees and other accelerated programs . However, before jumping on the bandwagon of online degree, there are some things you need to know .
Firstly, because of the high demand for fast online degrees , many shady companies trying to capitalize on this demand. These companies are more commonly known as diploma mills . They offer online college degrees to anyone willing to pay. The catch ? Not at all , if these diploma mills do is sell mainly degrees to anyone willing to shell out the dough. These diploma mills also have ala carte options . For a fee , your title can come with all the honors , transcripts and even verification of the employer.
So now you're wondering how these diploma mills that can give a rating. Actually give him credit for " life experience . " There are many legitimate schools that give credit to the experience of life, but it is also a specific type of course , you still have to do to get a college degree online . Diploma mills , however , all credits based on life experience will be given.
Please note that many employers do not accept "degrees" derived from diploma mills . Sure, you can have a great life experience and you know as well or better than their colleagues with the title, but a title of these diploma mills are not only cutting . In fact, it is illegal in some states for employees to use unearned to be hired or promoted to a degree . Employers look at the practice of graduation from diploma mills and unethical . Case in point : Laura Callahan, former deputy director of the Information Department of Homeland Security, is one of many government employees currently under consideration by the Senate to include sales degrees in their resumes and applications employment.
So you know that buying a degree of diploma mills is not only unethical , but you can also get in a lot of trouble when they discover . This does not mean , however, that you can not legitimately obtain a degree online quickly. There are reputable and legitimate institutions that offer degrees online fast. It pays to conduct audits in schools and other institutions that offer online degrees. Use the following as a guide :
A . Evaluate the curriculum offered. Find graduation requirements , the number of credits that the school will be awarded for achievements and exactly what the school sees learning as before. Offering degrees most reputable and legitimate online fast schools usually give a maximum value of the credit of two years for prior learning . This may or may not include your life experience .
Two . Assess the institution offering degrees online fast. It is a reputable school in general? What is the profile of school leavers ? They are graduates capable of entering higher schools of high school? For a list of "inferior" schools , check the database for the State of Oregon: .
Three . Evaluate teachers . Find out what proportion of students / teachers is . What percent of teachers have doctorates ? master ? As for editing, this kind of work and how all ask faculty published , and where?
April. Check the accreditation of the school. Want to get your online degree from one that is duly accredited by an accrediting agency approved by the legitimate state institution. The Universal Accreditation Council for Online Education ( UCOEA ) and the Accreditation Council for Online Universities ( BOUA ) are not considered legitimate accreditation agencies , so keep that in mind if you come across institutions indicating that they are accredited by one or BOUA UCOEA . Visit the Council for Higher Education Accreditation or the control of the institution of school: [ ] .
You can get a degree online fast , it is legitimate and acceptable for current and future employers. Simply take the time to thoroughly investigate each institution and program to ensure that you will not pay for something you will not be able to use to further your career .